Naar boven

FSC policy

FSC certified paper and cardboard

All paper and cardboard material that Inproba purchases is 100% FSC ® certified and thus originate from responsibly managed forestry. This comprises all packaging materials (labels, boxes, paper foil, cartons, trays etc)  as well as our own copying paper and stationary paper.

By this decision, Inproba wants to support the protection of forests globally. Per minute, an equivalent surface of 36 soccer fields disappear on a global scale. It effects mainly rainforest areas in the South-American Amazon region, the African Congo region and Southeast Asia. Deforestation is responsible for 15% of the annual carbon emissions and thus plays a major role in climate change processes. Moreover, about 80% of all animal species is dependent on forests. The same goes for millions of people who live and work in the forests.

The Forest Stewardship Council is an international NGO that is dedicated to the protection and promotion of responsible and sustainable forest management worldwide. FSC labels “responsible forest management” situations when all  ecological, economical and social aspects are well balanced. By choosing only raw materials based on FSC certified wood, Inproba contributes to these aims in the future.

This decision is an integral part of Inproba’s CSR & sustainability policy. 

Discover the renewed kick of flavor and sustainability!


Our delightfully spicy Sriracha now features a paper label. This small adjustment allows us to use less plastic, contributing to a better environment. The new label is printed on FSC certified paper....


Introducing Our Exciting New Look for Cassava Crackers!


We have great news to share with you: our beloved Cassava crackers have undergone a complete makeover! Allow us to introduce you to the brand-new packaging that gives our favorite snack a fresh and co...

Bami Goreng
30 minutes, 3-4
Nasi Goreng
30 minutes, 4

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Inproba B.V.
Customer service
P.O. Box 38
3740 AA Baarn
The Netherlands
T: +31 (35) - 5429922
F: +31 (35) - 5421691

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