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Rainforest Alliance certified

Inproba creates the tastiest oriental treats at the best price. We also think it’s hugely important that they are produced as sustainably as possible. This also applies to our sambals and chilli sauces. 100% of the chilli peppers we use will be purchased from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. These farms always grow and process the plants with respect for people, plants, animals and the natural environment. The Rainforest Alliance Certified™ quality mark (or the logo with the “frog”) symbolises this, and it can be found on all our sambal and chilli sauce packaging (from 1 Oct 20).

Watch our Rainforest Alliance video here and travel to Thailand with us.

The Rainforest Alliance quality mark is a top quality mark* and the most comprehensive quality mark for products from areas that are known to be vulnerable in terms of both nature conservation and better living conditions, which means it represents products that are sourced with respect for people, plants, animals and their environment.

By purchasing a product with the Rainforest Alliance Certified quality mark, you know the chilli peppers have been produced sustainably and meet strict guidelines. You are therefore directly contributing to nature conservation and better living conditions for the chilli pepper farmers.

Companies where we purchase our chilli peppers must comply with a checklist of no less than 200 points, which is then checked via regular retesting. Some examples of this:

Better living conditions; with respect for people:
Nature conservation; respect for plants, animals and their natural environment:

The farmer* receives a price that is agreed in advance for his chilli peppers, which means he is assured of purchase and income;
* this also applies to factory workers employed by the processing companies.

The farmer learns to use pesticides (by using as few as possible), water management and waste processing. As a result, the soil quality remains stable, preventing soil erosion;

The farmer is protected against dangerous work by wearing protective clothing, while a first-aid post must be available on site;

Ban on agriculture in protected areas; this prevents illegal deforestation and safeguards the continuity of the natural living environment.

Child labour must never be used;


As a seller, we must go through an audit too; all our documentation must be in order and the Rainforest Alliance Certified peppers must be recognisable. The certification is not a snapshot. Rainforest Alliance is working continuously towards a world in which people and planet are in balance.

* Top quality marks are leaders among food labels. They set the highest standards for the environment and/or welfare for humans and animals. Milieu Centraal [Environment Central] has determined (on behalf of the national government) which food quality marks can be classed as a Top quality mark. In total there are 10 Top quality marks in the Netherlands. The Rainforest Alliance quality mark is the most comprehensive of these for tropical fruit and vegetables, including both nature conservation and better social conditions.

More information about Rainforest Alliance can be found here.


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P.O. Box 38
3740 AA Baarn
The Netherlands
T: +31 (35) - 5429922
F: +31 (35) - 5421691

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