Naar boven

Route description

How to find Inproba B.V.?

On the highway A1 ( Amersfoort - Amsterdam) take (from both directions) exit number nr. 10 (Baarn Noord) and follow the signs 'Baarn'. On the second roundabout follow the sign 'Industrieterrein De Noordschil'. You are on the Hermesweg; our company is based on number 17.

Inproba B.V.
Hermesweg 17, 3741 GP  Baarn

Tel.: +31 (35) - 542 99 22
Fax.: +31 (35) - 542 16 91


Natural flavour first: less salt and sugar, more innovation


At Inproba, we create fresh products with a long shelf life, thanks to modern techniques like pasteurization and sterilization. While these processes sometimes require additives such as salt, sugar, o...


Award for our Ketjap Manis 30% Less Sugar


Inproba's Ketjap Manis 30% Less Sugar* has been awarded the Innova Classic Award! This award, presented by the Levensmiddelenkrant, is for products that are still successful on the shelves afte...

Nasi Goreng
30 minutes, 4
Bami Goreng
30 minutes, 3-4

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Inproba B.V.
Customer service
P.O. Box 38
3740 AA Baarn
The Netherlands
T: +31 (35) - 5429922
F: +31 (35) - 5421691

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