Naar boven

Sustainable packaging

News overview

Publication date 12-11-2020

It is not only the raw materials used in our sambals and chilli sauces that have become more sustainable, the packaging has as well.

As of 1 October, we switched to 100% recycled PET packaging (r-PET). This not only applies to our sambals and chilli sauces, but to all the other PET packaging we use at Inproba, which is a very nice step towards sustainability.

We have been working on making our raw materials and packaging materials more sustainable for years, and are therefore extremely proud of this significant step that we have been able to take in this regard.

We also want to become climate neutral* this year. Would you like to know more about this? Read the article recently published by the Baarnsche Courant (In Dutch). This article was written after holding an interview with our Product Manager and our CSR & Sustainability consultant.

*scope 1 & 2

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Bami Goreng
30 minutes, 3-4
Nasi Goreng
30 minutes, 4

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Inproba B.V.
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P.O. Box 38
3740 AA Baarn
The Netherlands
T: +31 (35) - 5429922
F: +31 (35) - 5421691

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