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The story behind our sustainable sambals and chilli sauces

News overview

Publication date 12-11-2020

Want to know more about our sustainable sambals and chilli sauces?

Watch our Rainforest Alliance video and travel to Thailand with us.

The video can be found on our Rainforest Alliance web page.

100% of the chilli peppers we use will be purchased from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. These farms always grow and process the plants with respect for people, plants, animals and the natural environment. The Rainforest Alliance Certified quality mark (or the logo with the “frog”) symbolises this, and it can be found on all our sambal and chilli sauce packaging (from 1 Oct 20).

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Nasi Goreng
30 minutes, 4
Bami Goreng
30 minutes, 3-4

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